Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Iran protests spread in heartland; State of Emergency in Isfahan; Regime Threatens Harsh Crackdown
Iran protests spread in heartland — The LAT reports further on Wednesday’s demonstrations in Isfahan and Najafabad, pointing out that these central regions are […]
Montazeri and Iranian Democracy
The Real News Network on Grand Ayatollsh Montazeri snd Iranian democracy. Dr. Nader Hashemi is interviewed. End/ (Not Continued)
Iran Unrest Continues; Reformist Clerics Attacked
Unrest continued in Iran on Tuesday and Wednesday as dissidents combined mourning ceremonies for Grand Ayatollah Hosain Ali Montazeri with anti-regime demonstrations. In the important […]
Top Ten Worst Things about the Bush Decade; Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs
By spring of 2000, Texas governor George W. Bush was wrapping up the Republican nomination for president, and he went on to dominate the rest […]
Funeral of Iranian cleric Montazeri turns into political protest |
Funeral of Iranian cleric Montazeri turns into political protest | World news | The Guardian The mourning procession for Grand Ayatollah Hosain Ali Montazeri in […]
Thousands mass for Montazeri’s Funeral in Iran
Enduring America reports that the funeral procession for Grand Ayatollah Husain Ali Montazeri began at 9:30 am in Iran. The initial regime announcement of the […]
Shafir: The End of US Relevance
Gershon Shafir writes in a guest column for Informed Comment: The Obama Administration, like every other American administration, has failed to convince Israel to freeze […]
PPP to fight ‘plots’ against mandate; Make or Break Point for Rule of Law
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | PPP to fight ‘plots’ against mandate Dawn reports that a meeting of high officials of the Pakistan People’s Party produced a […]
Montazeri Dead
The Associated Press: ML APNewsAlert AP is reporting that Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri of Iran is dead, according to his grandson. Montazeri, 87, had […]