Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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iPhone App for Informed Comment
Just to let all the Informed Comment readers who use iPhones know that there is now a dedicated app for it. Search ‘Juan Cole’s blog’ […]
Comedian Nazareth on Finding a Wife in Gaza
In honor of the approaching season, some evangelical Christian Arab comedy from the Gaza Strip— just as a reminder that not everyone being half-starved by […]
Realnews: without US Commitment, Copenhagen Breaks Down
From the Realnews network, an intelligent discussion of how lack of US leadership contributed to the failure of the Copenhagen climate conference. Features Adele Morris […]
Iraq Charges Iran with Occupying Maysan Oil Well
Al-Sharq al-Awsat [The Middle East] reports in Arabic that 11 Iranian troops occupied a small oil well on the Iraqi side of the border in […]
WTF? Ahmadinejad making Sense on Climate Change; Defends Nuclear Program as Alternative to Carbon Poisoning
The USG Open Source Center translates Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech at Copenhagen on consumerism, hydrocarbon imperialism, massive military budgets, and obscene profit-seeking as the […]
The Associated Press: Pakistan bans minister’s travel after graft ruling
The Associated Press: Pakistan bans minister's travel after graft ruling In summer-fall of 2007, the military dictatorship of Gen Pervez Musharraf was coming unravelled in […]
Babylon’s last alcohol seller arrested
AFP: Babylon's last alcohol seller arrested: family Paul Wolfowitz said that Iraqi Shiites would be better friends for the US than the Saudis because they […]
OSC: Fatwa against Poppies, China Moves in; Obstacles to Trade with Pakistan
The USG Open Source Center rounds up Afghanistan Development News for November. Critics of the war often allege that only economic improvement will settle the […]
| Pakistan | President Zardari under pressure after NRO ruling
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | President Zardari under pressure after NRO ruling Pakistan’s Supreme Court declined to extend a martial law ordinance that granted amnesty to […]