Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Silverman: Iraqi Electoral Law Passes but Dangers Loom
Adam L. Silverman writes in a guest op-ed for Informed Comment: Politics and Politicking: Iraqi Elections, the Failure of Reconciliation, and the Consolidation of Power […]
US Soldier Killed in Afghanistan; Taliban dismiss Operation Cobra’s Anger as unimportant; Gates: US has Lost Track of Usamah
A US soldier was killed by a roadside bomb in eastern Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the US continued a new operation, Cobra’s Anger, in Helmand Province, announcing […]
Two Extremists Attack Rawalpindi Mosque, Kill 40, wound Nearly 100
The Taliban Movement of Pakistan, headquartered in South Waziristan, struck at Rawalpindi again on Friday. Two militants scaled a ladder to drop into a mosque […]
OSC: Pakistani Editorials on Obama AfPak Policy
The USG Open Source Center rounds up Pakistani Urdu editorials concerning President Barack Obama’s new Afghanistan policy. Pakistan: Urdu Press Roundup on Barack Obama’s New […]
Bin Laden Said in Afghanistan; Pakistanis complain that Obama ‘Kept them in the Dark’
A Taliban guerrilla in Pakistani custody insists that he met Bin Laden in the mountainous province of Ghazni inside Afghanistan. The allegation is plausible. The […]
Carter: Soviets "attempting to conquer the fiercely independent Muslim people of that country"
Jimmy Carter, Speech on Afghanistan (January 4, 1980), warning “Fifty thousand heavily armed Soviet troops have crossed the border and are now dispersed throughout Afghanistan, […]
Sachs: ‘There hasn’t been two seconds of intelligent discussion about living standards in Afghanistan’
Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > 'There hasn't been two seconds of intelligent discussion about living standards in Afghanistan' Afghanistan is an economic basket case. […]
Afghanistan, Neighbors React to the Obama Plan
Radio Azadi reports in Dari Persian that the government of President Hamid Karzai has greeted the Obama plan for that country “warmly”. Kabul interprets the […]
Cole in Salon: Obama’s Surge and the Iraq Fallacy
See my just-published article, “Obama’s surge: has the president been misled by the Iraq analogy?” Excerpt: ‘ President Barack Obama’s just-announced plan for Afghanistan […]