Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In Iran since the presidency of Hassan Rouhani (2013-2021), the ruling elite has debated whether a grand bargain with the […]
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Rethinking Afghanistan
You get your pick of polls on the Afghanistan war this morning. AP-GfK found only 40% of Americans any longer support the war, though they […]
Gross: Massive Fraud in Afghanistan Election
Nasrine Gross writes in a guest op-ed for IC Friends & Colleagues, I have just returned from Kabul. And I am shocked how little the […]
Iran and Nuclear Latency
When you tool around the blogosphere and the news sites, the discourse about Iran’s nuclear program is maddeningly contradictory. But I think a single hypothesis […]
8 US troops Killed in Nuristan; UN Official Says He was Pressured to Wink at Karzai Ballot Fraud; Abdullah Defiant
On Saturday morning, a force of some 300 guerrillas attacked a US outpost and an Afghan police outpost in Nuristan. They killed 8 US troops […]
On How Iran is a Military Nothing despite What Propagandists Say; and on How Even Israel Dwarfs Iran Militarily in Every Way that Matters
Some random anonymous person got posted over at Daily Dish who critiqued my column on the top things you think about Iran that are not […]
Ron Paul on Iran; Ahmadinejad has Jewish Heritage
International Atomic Energy Agency official Mohammad Elbaradei arrived in Tehran on Saturday to begin making preparations for the inspection of Iran’s new nuclear research facility […]
Russia, China, Satisfied with 10/1/09 Talks
The US plan to place further sanctions on Iran for its nuclear energy research program may founder at the United Nations Security Council because of […]
Obama pwns Bush-Cheney on Iran; First day of Talks Yields Significant Confidence-Building Steps
For 8 years, Bush-Cheney practiced what I call “belligerent Ostrichism” toward Iran. They refused to talk to Tehran. They wanted to ratchet up sanctions on […]
Top Things you Think You Know about Iran that are not True
Thursday is a fateful day for the world, as the US, other members of the United Nations Security Council, and Germany meet in Geneva with […]