Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In Iran since the presidency of Hassan Rouhani (2013-2021), the ruling elite has debated whether a grand bargain with the […]
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Obama Meets Advisers on Afghanistan; Ismail Khan Warns against US Troop Surge
President Barack Obama met Wednesday afternoon for 3 hours with his advisers on the Afghanistan war, including VP Joe Biden and, by teleconference, Gen. Stanley […]
Cole on KCRW and Iran and an Israeli Attack
I was on the KCRW in Los Angeles’s “To the Point” on Wednesday discussing the Iranian nuclear program and the prospects of an Israeli attack […]
So Long Iraq
Daniel Graeber covers the debate about Iraq on university campuses and finds that attention has largely turned elsewhere. And, indeed, even Gen. Ray Odierno, who […]
Bombings at Qandahar kill over 30, wound 40; NATO convoy Attacked; ISI Backs Karzai
A suicide bomber rammed his vehicle into a NATO convoy in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday morning. There are reportedly casualties but early reports did not […]
IRGC Air Force Commander: Missile Tests Defensive; Pledges Iran to ‘No First Strike"
Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, reaffirmed Monday that a date would soon be set for the International Atomic Energy Agency […]
Ram: "Israel and the Iranian Threat"
Haggai Ram writes in a guest editorial for IC: Before, during and after the recent UN General Assembly meeting, the Israeli government, much like Sisyphus, […]
The Most Dangerous Nuclear Facility in the Middle East
There is no good evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. It has offered to allow regular International Atomic Energy Agency inspections of the […]
Ismail Khan Survives Taliban attack; Withdraws from Cabinet; US Military’s fate in Afghanistan will be Worse than than of the Soviets
On Sunday morning, a Taliban suicide bombing attack struck at the entourage of Ismail Khan, the Afghan Minister of Energy and Water, in Herat, according […]
Iraq Steps in to Protect Iran
American and Western discussions of what to do about Iran almost completely ignore Iraq. But no economic sanctions can effectively be placed on Iran without […]