Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ashraf al-Hur reports at al-Quds al-`Arabi [Arab Jerusalem] that the extremist government in Israel has escalated its military attacks on […]
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Afghanistan Election Run-Off, Italian Scandal, Lahore Attacks on Eve of Obama Decision
Four pieces of news from what Washington now calls AfPak raised questions about the stability of Central and South Asia on Thursday and Friday morning. […]
Bombings in Karbala, Mortars in Baghdad; Al-Maliki closes Mustansiriya U. and Bans on-Campus Politics
Mortars were fired in Baghdad, killing 7, and three bombs went off in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, killing 4 and wounding 48. The […]
Russia Rebuffs Clinton on Iran Sanctions; Putin Takes Moscow Closer to Beijing
McClatchy reports that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met a rebuff in Moscow on Tuesday from Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the issue of further […]
"Modern-day levels of carbon dioxide were last reached about 15 million years ago"
Scientific American summarizes two new studies giving evidence that the earth’s climate is highly sensitive to the amount of carbon dioxide in it. One is […]
41 Killed, 61 wounded in Pakistan Bombing; US Aid Package Controversial in both Washington and Islamabad
A suicide bomber targeted a Pakistani military convoy in the town of Alpuri in Shangala district northeast of Peshawar on Monday, killing 41 persons and […]
Taliban Condemn Obama Nobel Peace Prize
The USG Open Source Center Translates the Taliban reaction to President Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize. Afghan Taleban ‘strongly’ condemn Obama peace prize – agencyAfghan […]
23 Dead, 100 wounded in Ramadi Blast; Election Law still in Doubt
Liz Sly reports from Baghdad on the three bombings that shook Ramadi, capital of al-Anbar Province, to its core on Sunday and left at least […]
What did Rawalpindi Militants Want?
A hostage standoff at Pakistani military HQ in Rawalpindi ended violently on Sunday morning when Pakistani troops stormed the compound where the militants had holed […]
Obama as Nobelist, Obama as game-changer
I was listening to National Public Radio on the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama, and they brought on some nonentity […]