Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale has published a study in […]
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Bomb Kills 25 in Afghanistan; 15 British, 2 US Troops killed in past Week; Blood-Drenched Warlords Return to Gov’t with Impunity
I can tell by various web metrics that you guys are not interested in the Afghanistan story. You should be and I am going to […]
OSC: Kabul Yet to be Rebuilt, Lack of Electricity, Potable Water Hinder Development
The USG Open Source Center translates or paraphrases articles in the Afghan press during June on that country’s economy. I take away the impression that […]
Nationwide Protests Met with Main Force; Regime Arrests Head of Refineries for Fear of Oil Workers Strike; Ebadi Aide Arrested
AP reports the course of Thursday’s protests in Tehran. Some 2,000 protesters initially gathered in several spots in the capital, later growing some 3,000 strong. […]
Demonstrators Tear-Gassed, Fired On
Hundreds of protesters braved tear gas and even some live fire to march toward Tehran University on Thursday, commemorating a crushed student protest movement of […]
Thursday Protests Called in Iran, State Threatens Crackdown
The opposition in Iran has called for further public nationwide demonstrations on Monday, urging protesters to use the techniques of nonviolent noncooperation. Those who are […]
41 Dead, 70 Injured in Iraq bombings; US will Not turn over Prisoners
Bombings in Tal Afar and Baghdad killed 41 persons on Thursday morning. Tal Afar is a northern city with a mostly Turkmen population and some […]
7 US Troops Killed in Afghanistan; Agreement with Russia allows US materiel to reach Afghanistan
The Obama administration has reached an agreement with the Russian government of Dimitri Medvedev allowing the US to transship military materiel to US and NATO […]
Obama on Israeli attack on Iran: ‘Absolutely Not’
I argued on Monday that Vice President Joe Biden did not intend, by his remarks on Sunday, to give Israel a US go-ahead to bomb […]
Supreme Leader Warns against Western Meddling; Mousavi denounces National Security State, Explores Forming New Party
The White House denied on Monday that the US had given Israel a green light to attack Iran, in the wake of the disputed presidential […]