Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – David Smith of The Guardian reminds us that Trump is a fan of World Wrestling Federation matches, in attempting to […]
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Taliban Assassinate Deputy Intelligence Director, Kill 21
A Taliban suicide bomber killed the deputy director of Afghanistan intelligence along with 21 other people in the eastern Laghman province. This sort of successful […]
Tohidi: Women and the Presidential Elections: Iran’s New Political Culture
Nayereh Tohidi writes in a guest op-ed for IC: Iranian Women figured prominently in the 10th presidential elections of June 2009, in which Mahmoud Ahmadinejad […]
Maher interviews Moyers: The Conscience of American Journalism
Bill Maher interviews Bill Moyerson Afghanistan: Maher interviews Moyers on health care: End/ (Not Continued)
On How all Hell hasn’t Broken out in Iraq and the US Military doesn’t Need to Stay there; or, Damn Lies and Statistics
One of the major headlines out of Iraq today is the release of non-insurgent casualty figures for August, which are 456, as Agence France Presse […]
Penn: The DPJ Victory and Japanese-Islamic Relations
Michael Penn writes in a guest op-ed for IC: The thumping victory of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in the Japanese general elections is […]
McChrystal Advises Escalation of Aghan War
I have some basic questions about the “take, clear and hold” strategy that seems to be recommended in Afghanistan by Gen. Stan McChrystal, and which […]
Are the Taliban Surrounding NATO Armies and Cutting them Off? Why Washington Needs Iran and Russia
There is an old saying in military affairs, that everyone wants to do strategy and tactics, but real men do logistics. That is, moving persons […]
Abdullah Will not Accept Karzai Victory; Ethnic Conflict could Flare; Pentagon using Rendon to Vet Journalists
Things to worry about on a lazy August Sunday: Abdullah Abdullah, the leading rival to incumbent Hamid Karzai in the Afghanistan presidential elections, told a […]
Is Karzai trying to Steal the Afghanistan Election, taking a Leaf from Ahmadinejad’s Book?
The BBC is reporting that Obama’s special envoy to AfPak, Richard Holbrooke, has had a shouting match with President Hamid Karzai over the desirability of […]