Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The civil society human rights NGO DAWN (Democracy for the Arab World Now) has submitted a detailed filing to the […]
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Harman Admits She Talked to American; Saban said Involved
On being interviewed by Robert Siegel of National Public Radio on Tuesday, Rep. Jane Harman kept denying she knew which conversations had been referred to […]
Harman Scandal: All about War on Iran
Jeff Stein of reported on Sunday evening that the National Security Agency had picked up a telephone conversation by Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) with […]
Cunningham: "The Forgotten Meaning of Tiananmen"
Philip J Cunningham writes in a guest op-ed for IC: “Tiananmen” is a taboo topic in China. But even in places where it is remembered […]
Saberi Case Roils US-Iran Relations, Iranian Politics
Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, just convicted of espionage and sentenced to 8 years in prison, should be afforded every opportunity for a thorough legal defense […]
Levy Review of Engaging the Muslim World
The review by Daniel Levy of the New America Foundation of my new book, Engaging the Muslim World in The American Prospect is now available […]
Do You want more Gas?
First the Israeli government built a separation wall right through a Palestinian village, Bilin, on the West Bank inside the Palestine Authority (i.e. beyond the […]
Iraqi Defense Ministry: Bombings won’t Delay US Withdrawal
Iraqi defense ministry spokesman Muhammad al-Askari said Friday that the recent string of bombings in Iraq would not delay the US military withdrawal. He told […]
Karzai Backs down on Key Elements of Law on Shiite Personal Status
The Afghan government says that it will amend a recently passed law that puts Afghanistan’s Shiites under the law of their branch of Islam for […]
10 Policemen Killed in Kirkuk Bombing; 85% of Iraqis Killed by US Aerial Bombing Women and Children
A parked car bomb in the northern oil city of Kirkuk killed 10 policemen in a passing convoy and wounded 20 other persons on Wednesday. […]