Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The United States defeated a global and extremely dangerous fascist movement in World War II, but soldiers, armies and violence […]
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Obama on Economic Crisis
President-Elect Obama addresses the nation on the economic crisis The thing that worries me most is that Bush is still making policy. It should be […]
Obama on Economic Crisis
President-Elect Obama addresses the nation on the economic crisis The thing that worries me most is that Bush is still making policy. It should be […]
Transfer $5000 and Bush Likes to Watch
Maybe this is the reason the Bush administration illegally spied on Elliot Spitzer’s bank transfers despite lack of any evidence he was doing anything wrong?
Emanuel Apologizes to Arab-Americans; Israel Blocks Food, Fuel for Gaza
Prospective White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel called Rose Oakar, the executive director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, to apologize for remarks of his […]
Al-Maliki Backs Security Pact; Muqtada Calls for ‘Universal Demonstration’, Threatens Guerrilla Strikes; Sistani Warns he May Intervene;
McClatchy reports that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has decided to back the draft security agreement between Iraq and the Bush administration. The LAT stresses […]
Al-Maliki Backs Security Pact; Muqtada Calls for ‘Universal Demonstration’, Threatens Guerrilla Strikes; Sistani Warns he May Intervene;
McClatchy reports that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has decided to back the draft security agreement between Iraq and the Bush administration. The LAT stresses […]
Dubai Goes Bust; Is there a Silver Lining?
IHT reports on the way the economic slowdown is affecting Dubai (which unlike other members of the United Arab Emirates does not have much petroleum). […]
How Now Brown Cloud
“Atmospheric brown clouds” stretch from Dubai to Shanghai; they reduce crop yields by blocking sunlight,and contribute to extreme weather that also hurts agriculture. The polluted […]
Schneider on Obama and Afghanistan: Bombings in Jalalabad, Qandahar, Kill 27, wound 109; Acid Thrown in Schoolgirls Faces
A suicide car bomber hit a US convoy near the eastern Pushtun city of Jalalabad, killing one US soldier and at least 20 civilians and […]