Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – First, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet proposed ethnically cleansing Gaza of its Palestinian inhabitants in the fall […]
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McCain Racism, Hypocrisy on Khalidi Issue
The increasingly sleazy John McCain, who once promised to run a clean campaign, has now attacked my friend Rashid Khalidi and attempted to use him […]
Iraqis Want Strict Withdrawal Timetable; $6 Bn. Spent on Private Security Guards by Bush
Remember how John McCain insisted to Wolf Blitzer that the security pact being negotiated by Iraq and the Bush administration talks about the withdrawal of […]
Iraq Condemns Syria Raid; Seeks Renegotiation of Security Accord
Iraqi government spokesman Ali Dabbagh on Tuesday backed off his earlier support for the US raid into Syria. He said that the Iraqi constitution forbids […]
Contacts begin with Taliban DPs Suffer in Camps
AFP reports: “Pakistani and Afghan officials and tribal leaders agreed Tuesday to make contact with Taliban militants in an attempt to end the raging insurgent […]
The hypocrisy of the ‘One-Party Rule’ Gambit
The McCain campaign is now warning against “one party rule” if Obama is elected president at at time when there will likely be a Democratic […]
US: Raid Targetted al-Qaeda Facilitator; May Complicate Security Agreement with Iraq
US government sources maintained on Monday that the cross-border raid into Syria that left 8 dead had succeeded in killing “Abu al-Ghadiyah” (Badran al-Mazidi) of […]
Middle East Press Negative on US Attack on Syrian Soil.
The USG Open Source Center surveys the Middle Eastern press reaction to the US raid on Abu al-Kamal in Syria, finding it mostly negative and […]
The hypocrisiy of the ‘One-Party Rule’ Gambit
Ooops, typo in title. Go here for “The Hypocrisy of the ‘One Party Rule’ Gambit”
Two Daring Attacks on US Troops in Afghanistan
In Baghlan in northern Afghanistan, a suicide bomber killed two US troops while meeting at a local police station. Baghlan, a center of sugar beet […]