Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Israeli systemic destruction of civilian building infrastructure in Gaza generated over 50 million tons of debris by 1 December […]
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Unreal Debate
In the real world of political ads, McCain and his surrogates are shouting ugly insults at Barack Obama. He is accused of saying that US […]
Factcheck: McCain on Taliban
Fact checking the debate: ‘MCCAIN: Now, let me just go back with you very briefly. We drove the Russians out with — the Afghan freedom […]
Turkish Planes Pound Iraqi North; Condi: Iraq is Hard
Turkish war planes pounded northern Iraq on Monday, seeking to punish members of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) who are implicated in bombings and other […]
McCain in 1992: Christianity and Oil Drive US Wars in Middle East
From “Larry King Live,” August 3, 1992: McCain gave two reasons for US military involvement in the Middle East. We are a “Judeo-Christian nation” [so […]
McCain 1991: Unwise for US to Invade Iraq
On CNN’s Larry King Live, April 23, 1991, Sen. John McCain opposed invading Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein on the grounds that 1) we’d turn […]
McCain Funded Righwing Contra Death Squads
Many of the “contras” or members of right wing guerrilla groups fighting the Sandinista government in the 1980s were drug smugglers and terrorists. High government […]
Keating: "Certainly hoped" he Bought Influence with McCain
Charles Keating on ABC Nightline, May 14, 1990: certainly hoped that the money he gave Sen. John McCain and other politicians influence them to take […]
McCain Campaign No. 1 at Self-Parody; McCain support for Mujahideen Papered Over
Sarah Palin’s jab at Barack Obama on Sunday attempting to tie him to terrorism (!) is another in a long line of gaffes that will […]
Saudi Arabia mediates between Karzai Gov’t, Taliban
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah recently hosted talks in Mecca, between Taliban and the Karzai government. And that’s the good news!