Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The United States defeated a global and extremely dangerous fascist movement in World War II, but soldiers, armies and violence […]
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Palin on Hamas; Sort of
The Young Turks ask if Palin’s answer on democracy in the Middle East suggests that she supports Hamas: Asked by Couric about what to do […]
Cole in Sarasota for Veterans & FCAN
Just to let my Floridian fans know that I’m speaking in Sarasota, Florida, on Saturday evening, Oct. 4, for Florida Veterans for Common Sense and […]
Eid Bombing in Baghdad; Iraq Government takes over ‘Sons of Iraq.’
“… on Tuesday, a U.S. soldier died after his unit came under small arms fire in northern Baghdad, the U.S. military said.” He was the […]
Palin Cannot Name any Newspapers or Magazines She Reads
Remember how Sarah Palin said that she explored foreign countries through books and how implausible that was? Now it turns out that she can’t even […]
Rice and Torture
Rice led Bush administration discussions of torture techniques, according to documents secured and released by Sen. Carl Levin as part of a congressional inquiry. I […]
Troopergate and Palin
Witness flips in troopergate. A private contractor now admits under oath that she was pressured by Palin’s office over Palin’s attempt vindictively to fire her […]
Al-Maliki: US Cannot Afford to Stay; Physicians to Carry Weapons
In an interview with the Associated Press, PM Nuri al-Maliki warned that the future is dark if Iraq and the US do not agree on […]
Karzai: Civilian Gov’t of Pakistan better against Terrorism; Pakistan Bajaur Campaign Leaves 15 Dead
Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai believes that the new civilian government will take more effective steps against the Pakistani Taliban on the Afghan border. This stance […]
Kaptur: Playing Wall Street Bailout
Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on how the Reality Game, “Wall Street Bailout,” is played: See also Chalmers Johnson at on the Pentagon Bailout Fraud.