Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The United States defeated a global and extremely dangerous fascist movement in World War II, but soldiers, armies and violence […]
Main Content
Arctic Ice: Going, going . . . gone; Schweitzer on Energy in Denver
BBC: Arctic ice is at a ‘tipping point’. Watch for yourself on google earth: “This animation in Google Earth shows satellite data of Arctic sea […]
Pakistan Markets Roiled by End of Coalition Government
Pakistan has had to impose trading limits to stop the slide in its stock market coming off the end of the coalition government. Investors have […]
45 Dead, 79 Wounded in Wave of Violence; Bombing in Jalawla’ Raises Tensions with Baghdad
Why Iraq still matters to the presidential campaign,according to Mark Brunswick of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Violence erupted throughout central, eastern and northern Iraq on […]
Al-Maliki Insists US Troops be Out by 2011; Iraqi Christian Refugees at Risk
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq insisted again Monday that all foreign troops must be out of Iraq by 2011 and that US troops in […]
International Reaction to Biden
Iraqi politicians greeted the the selection of Joe Biden as the Democratic vice presidential candidate with dismay because they oppose his soft partition plan for […]
54 Killed in Bombings, attacks; Water Crisis; Fixing the Intelligence Around the Policy
A suicide bomber attacked a celebration in Abu Ghraib late Sunday, killing at least 30 and wounding 42. The gathering was in honor of a […]
FBI to Open Cases via Profiling; MI5: Don’t Bother
Bush is trying to permanently widen FBI prerogatives in opening investigations of US citizens before leaving office. His new guidelines would allow an investigation to […]
OSC: Collective Punishment in Baghdad
The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Arabic online press complaining about Iraqi government collective punishment of Baghdad city quarters that witness […]
Najaf Demonstrations against Rice: "Rogue" Operation in Baquba; Sadr in Iran for 5 Years
Secretary of State Condi Rice’s visit to Baghdad for consultations on the US-Iraqi security agreement provoked a demonstration in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, […]