Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The United States defeated a global and extremely dangerous fascist movement in World War II, but soldiers, armies and violence […]
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Sunday Blog Patrol in Brief
Shorter Swopa: The Iraqi government ban on using photographs of non-candidates (including revered ayatollahs) in campaign literature is not a move to separate religion and […]
Maliki Warns US on Iran; Will not allow Iraqi air space or land in any US Attack
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki told Bush Friday by video conference that the US could not use Iraqi territory or airspace to attack neighboring Iran. […]
On Killing Afghan Civilians and Nuking Iran: What Reddit says People are Reading
From on Saturday: Afghan governor says US air strikes killed 22 civilians. If only we could nuke Iran. Ron Paul says he has heard […]
Osman, Qubanji: Attack on Iran a Catastrophe for Iraq, Gulf
Patrick Cockburn reports from Baghdad that Mahmud Osman, a Kurdish MP, maintains that an attack on Iran by Israel or the US would plunge Iraq […]
Your Fourth of July and My Fourth of July
Your Fourth of July is blood for oil. My Fourth of July is the pure sunbeam of peace. Yours is the imperial presidency and “so […]
Quotations on Patriotism
“I do not mean to exclude altogether the idea of patriotism. I know it exists, and I know it has done much in the present […]
Will Afghanistan Violence hurt McCain Campaign?
Afghan guerrillas used small arms fire to down a US helicopter south of Kabul. The crew was unharmed. More US & coalition troops were killed […]
Mullen Warns Against Attack on Iran; Iraq arrests Governor of Maysan
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen appeared to warn Israel on Wednesday against an attack on Iran. He said at news […]
Bulldozer Attack in West Jerusalem
A Palestinian bulldozer operator rammed his vehicle into a bus in West Jerusalem, killing 3 and wounding 44. Aljazeera International reports: Sometimes the British tabloid […]