Interview of Juan Cole on his book Gaza Yet Stands by Shubhda Chaudhary for her Middle East Insights YouTube channel. Dr. Chaudhary Dr. Shubhda Chaudhary […]
Main Content
US Soldier Killed in Iraq; Qur’an Desecrated; Maliki Said to Replace Division Commander
The LA Times reports: ‘ A U.S. soldier was killed Sunday and another injured when their vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb in Salahuddin […]
Sunday Blogivision; McCain calls for Negotiations with Hamas
Some telling video clips for a lazy Sunday: Via Josh Marshall’s TPM Veracifier: John McCain says the US will have to negotiate with Hamas at […]
Fallujah Bombing Kills 4 Police; Al-Maliki offers Amnesty; Honor Killings of Iraqi Women Rise
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki offered an amnesty in Mosul to those guerrillas who lay down their arms and accept money from him. Also, a bombing […]
McCain Unit Rolled out; Funeral Bombing Toll Rises to 25; Baghdad Governor’s Convoy Blown Up;
VOA reports that on May 15, ‘Clashes in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad’s Sadr City district have left at least seven people dead, despite a deal […]
Is Obama the Apostate, or is Bush? A Reply to Luttwak
I’ve been traveling again and so only just saw Edward Luttwak’s ridiculous column about Barack Obama being considered an “apostate” in the Muslim world. It […]
Cole & the BBC Doha Debates
As I was setting off for some conferences in the UK last April, I got an invitation from Tim Sebastian to come participate in the […]
Puzzle of Bombings in Jaipur
The bombings that shook Jaipur and killed 80 innocents are not immediately legible as ordinary politics. Most previous such bombings (Bombay, Hyderabad) have been in […]
11 Killed, 20 Wounded in Sadr City;
No sooner had the truce between the Mahdi Army and the US & Iraqi military been signed than it appeared to break down. Clashes broke […]
Dangers facing the World
As if Iraq was not enough to worry about, some important political developments in Lebanon, and even in the Yemen have raised the temperature of […]