Review of Allen James Fromherz, The Center of the World: A Global History of the Persian Gulf from the Stone Age to the Present (Berkeley: […]
Main Content
Cole in Salon: "Blowback from the GOP’s Holy War’
My Salon column is out: Blowback from the GOP’s holy war:The 2008 Republican race has left a bitter legacy of sloganeering against Muslims. It may […]
US Soldier Killed; British Base Rocketed; Bombings in Baghdad
People keep asking in puzzlement what Bush expected to get out of his Iraq misadventure. It is the oil, habibi, the oil. Akhbar al-Khalij newspaper […]
Iraq and Iran in the Democratic Debate
Here are the Iraq portions of the Barack-Hillary debate in Los Angeles Thursday night. Both candidates impressed me with their grasp of detail and the […]
One Million Iraqis Killed; Humanitarian Crisis of Vast Proportions; 6 Bombings in Baghdad
Ambassador Marc Ginsburg is astonished that John McCain could win in Florida on a platform of a Hundred Years War in Iraq and phony slogans […]
Afghanistan: Danger of Failed State
Several new studies have just appeared warning that things could go very badly very easily in Afghanistan, which could turn into a failed state. One […]
5 US troops Wounded; 5 Killed Monday put on Planes; Who is thinking about the 18-year Olds?
AP reports that: ‘ A bomb exploded at a checkpoint Tuesday in Baghdad, wounding five American soldiers and three civilians, the U.S. military said. Iraqi […]
One last Argument with Bush
When Bush first came in, the comedian Will Ferrell did a skit on the television show “Saturday Night Live” that depicted the president cowering under […]
2 US Troops Killed; Marsh Arab Tribal Sheikh Murdered in Basra; Bombings, Kidnapping in Baghdad
The USG Open Source center translates from an Iraqi television report, “Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki pledged to end the crisis facing his government as […]
Will the Next President be Irrelevant?
With Obama’s win in South Carolina, it seems clear now that it is a four person race for the White House. On the Democratic side, […]