Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
Main Content
The Kirkuk Crisis
The USG Open Source Center summarizes controversies over the prospect of the incorporation of Kirkuk into Iraqi Kurdistan in October and so far in November. […]
Shiite on Shiite Conflict in Karbala, South; US Soldier Killed; Kurdish Party Bombed
That’s all we need– Iraqi troops raiding American mercenary units in Iraq. That will really settle things down. Khalaf al-Ulyan, a Sunni fundamentalist member of […]
Musharraf Places Benazir Under House Arrest; Moderate Daily Slams US on Iraq
Pakistani dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf has ordered opposition leader Benazir Bhutto of the Pakistan People’s Party placed under house arrest at her residence in Islamabad. […]
Napoleon, Spukt, and Cole in Chicago at Oobleck
Theater Oobleck presents a conversation with Juan Cole of the “Informed Comment” blog and Chuck Mertz of the This is Hell radio program, to follow […]
The Choice in Pakistan is Democracy or Talibanization: Guest Op-ed by Shahin M. Cole
Shahin M. Cole, Esq., writes: ‘I am one of those Pakistan-trained lawyers you have been hearing about. I have spent the last few days watching […]
Suggested Reading
Barnett Rubin warns that knee-jerk support for Pakistani military dictator Pervez Musharraf is not exactly ‘realism’ of the sort some Washington politicians like to boast […]
Major Bombing of KDP HQ in Kirkuk 12 Dead; 14% of Iraqis Displaced
14 percent of Iraqis are now displaced from their homes. That would be the equivalent of 42 million Americans forced from their places of residence. […]
Extremists Expand in Swat Bhutto, Iftikhar Call for Rallies Media Defiant
While the Pakistani military is bothering innocent human rights activists and attorneys who want to defend the country’s constitution, it is ignoring Muslim radicals’ advances […]
Massive Bombing in Afghanistan Kills 50, including 6 MPs
In a further sign that the Bush-imposed order in Afghanistan (and the Middle East) is unraveling, a suicide bomber in Baghlan near Kabul unleashed a […]