Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
Main Content
Gen. Abizaid: Iraq about Petroleum
Gen. John Abizaid at Stanford U.: ‘ While [panelists] discussed green technology, the subject of America’s operations in Iraq was also a hotly debated topic. […]
Sneaky FCC Must be Stopped
Alexandra Russell writes: This morning, the New York Times revealed that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is rushing through a plan to rewrite media ownership rules, […]
Karachi and Waziristan
Barnett Rubin points in our Global Affairs group blog to the impact of the failures in Afghanistan, of the tribal turmoil in Waziristan, on the […]
136 Dead in Pakistan Bombing Gilani: Neighboring Country Warned of Attack on Bhutto
Manan Ahmed at our Global Affairs Blog points out that Karachi has now joined New York, Madrid and London as a site of a major […]
Turkish Parliament Authorizes Iraq Incursion Blackwater Leaving Iraq
The Turkish parliament authorized a Turkish incursion into Iraq in pursuit of guerrillas of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK). Syria threw its support behind Turkey […]
Putin & Ahmadinejad Pledge Cooperation
Farideh Farhi weighs in on the significance of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Iran, and the frustrations his olive branch to Tehran produced in […]
Cole in Salon: "The Iran Hawks"
My column in, “The War Hawks,” is now online. Excerpt: ‘ Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton think a tough line on Tehran will sell […]
Oil Peak or Peak Oil?
The tensions between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan contributed to jitteriness in the oil markets that drove the prices to as high as $88.20 at one […]
Guest Op-Ed: PKK Terrorism Undermines US Policy in Middle East
An informed observer writes anonymously: ‘“With our understanding of the worries of the Turkish friends, we are ready to undertake urgent negotiations with senior Turkish […]