Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – The efforts to discredit and suppress the film No Other Land are part and parcel of a […]
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Kahl: 30,000 – 70,000 US Troops Likely to be in Iraq for Many Years
Colin Kahl of Georgetown University writes: ‘There will be 100-130K troops in Iraq when Bush leaves. The number will depend largely on who wins the […]
Brown: 1,000 British troops to be Withdrawn
British PM Gordon Brown, in Baghdad and Basra for consultations with PM Nuri al-Maliki, with British commanders, and with his US allies, announced that he […]
Blackwater Accused of Cover-ups Deaths Drop in September Iraqi Parliamentarians want to Debate US Senate on Partition
Iraqi authorities are not only accusing Blackwater guards of an unprovoked shooting of 11 persons at Nisur Square on Sept. 16, but also of engaging […]
19 Killed in Mosul Wave of Violence Petraeus: Iran May be Helping
A wave of violence rolled over the northern city of Mosul (pop. 1.5 million, Iraq’s second largest) on Sunday. A member of the Ninevah Provincial […]
The End of Bonapartism and the War on Terror
NYT columnist Tom Friedman’s column, “9/11 is over,” sounds the death knell for the Neoconservative use of 9/11 and is in particular an attack on […]
Iraq Preachers Lambaste Senate
The USG Open Source Center translates or paraphrases sermons given in Iraq on Friday, both Sunni and Shiite. ‘Round-up of Iraqi Friday Sermons 28 SepIraq […]
Saturday roundup
At the Global Affairs blog, Philip Cunningham, who teaches at Dosisha University in Japan considers the ways in which W.’s Iraq debacle has weakened the […]
Iraqi Establishment Rejects US Senate Resolution Al-Maliki: A Disaster for Iraq and the Region
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Friday rejected the US Senate resolution calling for a soft partition of Iraq. Reuters reports: ‘ “They should stand […]
Senate Partitions Iraq
The US Senate voted for a soft partition of Iraq on Thursday. First they messed up Iraq by authorizing Terrible George to blow it up, […]