Review of Peter Schwartzstein, The Heat and the Fury: On the Frontlines of Climate Violence (London: Footnote Press, 2024). Munich, Germany (Special to Informed Comment; […]
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Republicans vote Down Webb Plan for Troops; Al-Maliki Accuses Blackwater
Iraqi guerrillas killed four US troops on Tuesday. Republican senators succeeded in blocking the Webb plan to give US troops off as much time between […]
Wagner Guest Op-ed: Democrats Should Fund Demobilization
Guest Op-Ed by David Wagner: “It seems to me that political polarization in Congress prevents action on common sense measures that are needed, regardless of […]
Rice Apologizes to al-Maliki for Blackwater Shootings Was Abu Rishah a Fake?
McClatchy reports from Baghdad that Iraqi eyewitnesses maintain that Blackwater security guards fired at civilians without provocation on Sunday, in contrast to the company’s own […]
Jihadis Threaten to Kill Leaders of al-Anbar Council
The USG Open Source Center summarizes and partially translates a threat by the ‘Islamic State of Iraq’ [Salafi Jihadis] to kill more members of the […]
Marshall/ Cole interview on Iraq
I am interviewed on al-Anbar province at Veracifier by Josh Marshall of TalkingPointsMemo.
Sadrists Demand US Withdrawal UIA asks Sadrists to Rejoin Will Blackwater be Expelled?
Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that the Shiite fundamentalist ruling bloc in the Iraqi parliament, the United Iraqi Alliance, has called on the Sadr Movement to […]
Postponement of Kirkuk Referendum?
The USG Open Source Center reports on the possible postponement of the referendum on the future of oil-rich Kirkuk province, which the Kurds want to […]
Right-Zionists try to Silence Walt at the University of Montana
Richard Drake, chair of the History Department at the University of Montana, describes what it is like to invite Stephen Walt, a respected political scientist […]
Greenspan: War about Oil; Bloody Sunday in Iraq
Alan Greenspan confirms that he urged the Bush administration to take out Saddam on grounds of petroleum security for the US, and says one official […]