Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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War in a Time of Cholera
Violence at Karbala, Baghdad, Falluja dogged the al-Maliki government on Monday, while the significance of the agreements reached by the presidential council on national reconciliation […]
Churchill on When to Throw in the Towel on Iraq
Glenn Greenwald once remarked that “the highest achievement to which one can aspire in the neocon universe it to be compared to Winston Churchill.” So […]
Williams Guest Op-ed: W. and Graham Greene
John S. Williams writes: “One of the most curious comments in Incurious Boy George’s recent speech before the Veterans of Foreign War in Kansas City […]
Al-Maliki Threatens Journalists Al-Hashemi Plays Hard to Get
Al-Maliki tells off US pols., threatens journalists with libel lawsuits. A hint to Mr. al-Maliki: This kind of shrillness does not look prime ministerial and […]
Who is the US Fighting in Iraq?
Who exactly is the US fighting in Iraq? Graphed by self-confessed identity of captives, it is largely Sunni Arab Iraqis, often motivated primarily by the […]
Lessons from Past Western Incursions in the Middle East
The video of my appearance at the New America Foundation is now online. Many thanks again to kind host Steve Clemons. The short version, covering […]
Rubin on Narcotics in Afghanistan
At the Global Affairs group blog, Barnett Rubin gives us the second in a series of three posts on the effort to confront narcotics production […]
Surge in Deaths 85 percent in US custody Are Sunni Arabs
The Bush administration talking points on the Iraq War are that the troop escalation has reduced violence and made Iraq safer for Iraqis, that the […]
Cole on Air America with Sam Seder, Sunday
Catch my interview at Air America with Sam Seder on Sunday, August 26 at 6 pm, regarding my new book, Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle […]