London (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – US President Donald Trump’s America First trade policy has seen the global economy enter a new era of […]
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Bush and Ahmadinejad: Will they or Won’t They?
More from Barnett Rubin on signs of a potential Bush administration attack on Iran at the Global Affairs blog. He quotes Alex Debat from the […]
Maliki Blames Wahhabis for Karbala Sistani Aide Assassinated
The Shiite world has been roiled for weeks by statements of Saudi, Wahhabi clergy in Mecca that Shiite shrines are works of idolatry and should […]
Maliki breaks with, Jails Mahdi Army 300 Arrested in Karbala
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered the arrest of 300 persons in Karbala connected to the Mahdi Army on Friday, blaming it for the outbreak of […]
Rubin on Hostage Release, Drug Policy in Afghanistan
Here’s some light reading for your Labor Day weekend. Afghanistan is pretty clearly becoming a problem for the US diplomatically and militarily of a major […]
Arguments over Night of the Living Dead in Iraq
A Government Accounting Office report has found that the Iraqi government has not met 13 of 18 benchmarks set by the US Congress. The report […]
The Nation: Corruption the Norm in Iraqi Gov’t USG Reports Al-Maliki has Impeded investigations
The Nation has gotten hold of a secret USG report that says that profound corruption is the norm in the Iraqi government. The intrepid David […]
Cheney & Iran: Here We Go Again?
Barnett Rubin relays a message from a well-connected friend in Washington on the Cheney Administration’s plans to roll out a military confrontation with Iran in […]
Sistani Aides Held by JAM Muqtada freezes Paramilitary for 6 months
Two senior aides to Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani–Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala’i and Ahmad al-Safi– were kidnapped on Tuesday by the Mahdi Army and are still being […]
Akhavi on Neocolonialism
Khody Akhavi at IPS covers my talk last Friday at the New America Foundation, on my book, Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East. He writes: […]