Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Bush, Sistani back off Support for al-Maliki; Iraq, Syria, seek Energy Cooperation
When pressed on the future of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Bush declined to back him as forcefully as in the past. He said it was […]
al-Hayat: al-Duri Seeks Political Role, Turns on Salafis
Al-Hayat [Life] reports in Arabic that the Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri wing of the Baath Party (one of four major Baath factions) has decided to break […]
Syrian Newspapers Optimistic on al-Maliki Visit
The USG Open Source Center rounds up Reactions of Syrian Newspapers to the visit to Damascus of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Syrian Papers Expect Al-Maliki’s […]
Second Shiite Governor Slain Levin Calls for al-Maliki to be Unseated al-Maliki in Damascus
Reuters reports that the governor of Muthanna province, Mohammed Ali al-Hassani, was assassinated on Monday by a roadside bomb. This killing was the second in […]
Rubin on Herat
See Barnett Rubin’s latest blog entry at the Global Affairs blog, “Return from Herat: Wherein one Pessoptimist Meets Another.”
Cole in Salon: The Poisonous Legacy of Karl Rove
My Salon column is out: The poisonous rhetorical legacy of Karl Rove Even Fox’s Chris Wallace wants to know why Bush’s newly departed advisor had […]
Mortar Shells Kill 10 in downtown Baghdad US Mil organizes Sunni Neighborhood Watch
The NYT reports that the US military is setting up neighborhood militias in Sunni Arab areas, called “Guardians,” to patrol and curb Salafi Jihadi gangs. […]
Eagan Guest Op-Ed A Vietnam Vet Recognizes Iraq Frustrations
In response to the NYT op-ed by specialists and sergeants on Sunday, Jerry Eagan writes with his own experiences: Dr. Cole. In July, 1967, while […]
Al-Hashimi’s Party will not Rejoin Government For Now; NYT Op-Ed from Soldiers on the Ground
As Bill Maher has quipped, we have had a balanced set of commentaries on the Iraq War on television news. We have heard from the […]