Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Massive Attack on Yazidis Kills nearly 200
The BBC says that Ninevah Province police are reporting that three car bombs targeted a Yazidi village in northern Iraq near Sinjar not far from […]
Four US Troops Killed PKK Threatens Iraq, Turkey
Four more US troops have been announced killed in Iraq. In the wake of PM Nuri al-Maliki’s talks with Turkey and his commitment to expel […]
Karl Rove Resignation: Satire
Satire on Karl Rove’s resignation: Rewriting a Wikipedia article on Goebbels through search and replace. (Link in time stamp, below.) Karl Rove, leader of the […]
Sunni Arab Guerillas Kill 5 US Troops, Use EFP Fears of Shiite on Shiite Warfare Dulaimi denounces Genocide against Sunni Arabs
Sunni Arab guerrillas deployed an explosively formed projectile (a kind of roadside bomb) against 4 soldiers who had come in a humvee to investigate the […]
Bush’s Failures in Afghanistan
At our Global Affairs group blog, Barnett Rubin comments on an important new NYT article on how Afghanistan is going bad under W.’s tender ministrations. […]
Guerrillas kill Governor of Qadisiya
Militiamen deployed a powerful roadside bomb to kill the governor and police chief of Qadisiya Province, the capital of which is Diwaniya. Gov. Khalil Jalil […]
Getting Pakistan Right
Be sure to check out Manan Ahmed’s “Getting Pakistan Right at our Global Affairs group blog. It is a powerful corrective to American tendencies to […]
Kirkuk Car Bomb Kills 11 UN to Up Involvement in Iraq Wave of Killings, Death Threats in Najaf
The United Nations Security Council voted to get more involve in Iraq on Friday. The increase of staffers involved, however, is minuscule, and the vote […]
Baath Party: Threats over Oil Law; Seeks Info on Shiite Crimes
The USG Open Source Center translates two communiques from the Iraqi Baath Party. As long-time readers know, I believe the Baath Party cells are a […]