Review of Peter Schwartzstein, The Heat and the Fury: On the Frontlines of Climate Violence (London: Footnote Press, 2024). Munich, Germany (Special to Informed Comment; […]
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Tal Afar Bombing Kills 25 60 Bodies
Republican Candidates for Staying the Course; Tal Afar Bombing Kills 25; 60 Bodies found Near Baquba; 190,000 Guns Unaccounted for by Pentagon Republican candidates on […]
Bonapartes Proclamation On Overthrowing
Bonaparte’s Proclamation on Overthrowing the Ottoman Beys of Egypt Just one day until the book is out!. From the Napoleon’s Egypt Blog today, Bonaparte’s June […]
Obama Sticks To His Guns Senator Obama
Obama Sticks to his Guns Senator Obama still can’t see why it is controversial for him to threaten to violate Pakistan’s sovereignty to get at […]
Iraqi Sermons On Sunni Withdrawal Saudi
Iraqi Sermons on the Sunni Withdrawal, Saudi Calls for Destruction of Shrines The USG Open Source Center translates select passages from Sunni and Shiite sermons […]
Hard Of Hearing When It Comes To Saudis
Hard of Hearing when it Comes to the Saudis Iraqslogger discovers that the State Department suddenly can’t hear very well when the Saudi foreign minister […]
Al Anbar Resident Approval Of Sunni
Al-Anbar Residents approve of Sunni withdrawal Remember all that reporting about “progress” against “al-Qaeda” in al-Anbar Province? But for Sunni Arab Iraqis to hate the […]
Arc Of Crisis Panel At Yearly Kos Heres
Candidates at Yearly Kos Reactions to Arc of Crisis Panel Alas, although I heard the Democratic candidates for president at Yearly Kos and attended the […]
Pakistani Protests Against Obama
Pakistani Protests against Obama; Clinton leaves Nukes on the Table; Tancredo an Inspiration to the Criminally Insane that They, Too, Could run for President I’m […]
Shiite Militia Attacks On Us And
Shiite Militia Attacks on US and British Troops;The Kurds and the Kirkuk Crisis Remember that spate of newspaper stories about July seeing the lowest number […]