Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Massive Bomb Kills 22 Wounds 60 At
Massive Bomb Kills 22, Wounds 60 at Hillah US Blockades Mahdi Army New Turkish Government may Decline Military Option A suicide car bombing of a […]
Christian Extremists Disrupt Hindu
Christian extremists disrupt Hindu Senate invocation
Napoleons Invasion Of Middle East At My
Napoleon’s Invasion of the Middle East At my book blog for my new publication on Bonaparte’s Egypt expedition, I have been putting up some texts […]
Giuliani Critiqued By Firefighters
NYC Firefighters Critique Giuliani on 9/11 Was traveling and just saw this. The firefighters are critical of the no-bid contracts for communications equipment let by […]
Us Raids Umm Al Qura Mosque Sistani
Turkish Muslim Party Wins Landslide US Raids Umm al-Qura Mosque Sistani said in Peril In neighboring Turkey, the Islamically tinged AK Party won nearly 47% […]
Feingold On Censure Full Discussion
Feingold to Introduce Censure Resolution against Bush Senator Russ Feingold plans to introduce a censure motion against Bush for misleading the US public into war, […]
Blumenthal Young Republican Chicken
Blumenthal: Young Republican Chicken Hawks Max Blumenthal via YouTube,on young Republican Chicken Hawks [wouldn’t they just be ‘chicks’? Or maybe ‘peepees’?]. You’d think after what […]
Napoleons Egypt I Just Received
Napoleon’s Egypt I am repeating this posting for Monday, since many readers skip the weekends. I just received an advance copy of my new book, […]
How To Create Angry American
How to Create an Angry American Repeated from Sunday A clever montage of Bush administration falsehoods and denials regarding the Iraq War, via YouTube (film-maker’s […]