Review of Peter Schwartzstein, The Heat and the Fury: On the Frontlines of Climate Violence (London: Footnote Press, 2024). Munich, Germany (Special to Informed Comment; […]
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Giuliani Critiqued By Firefighters
NYC Firefighters Critique Giuliani on 9/11 Was traveling and just saw this. The firefighters are critical of the no-bid contracts for communications equipment let by […]
Us Raids Umm Al Qura Mosque Sistani
Turkish Muslim Party Wins Landslide US Raids Umm al-Qura Mosque Sistani said in Peril In neighboring Turkey, the Islamically tinged AK Party won nearly 47% […]
Feingold On Censure Full Discussion
Feingold to Introduce Censure Resolution against Bush Senator Russ Feingold plans to introduce a censure motion against Bush for misleading the US public into war, […]
Blumenthal Young Republican Chicken
Blumenthal: Young Republican Chicken Hawks Max Blumenthal via YouTube,on young Republican Chicken Hawks [wouldn’t they just be ‘chicks’? Or maybe ‘peepees’?]. You’d think after what […]
Napoleons Egypt I Just Received
Napoleon’s Egypt I am repeating this posting for Monday, since many readers skip the weekends. I just received an advance copy of my new book, […]
How To Create Angry American
How to Create an Angry American Repeated from Sunday A clever montage of Bush administration falsehoods and denials regarding the Iraq War, via YouTube (film-maker’s […]
Us Airstrike Kills 15 Children Women
US Airstrike Kills 15 Children, Women, Men; Mosul Rocked by Death Squad, Roadside Bomb Killings; Shiite UIA Rejects Arming Sunni Arabs The United States military […]
Last Neocon Attacks Hillary You Might
The Last Neocon Attacks Hillary You might gather from a cursory examination of the wire services that “the Pentagon” has attacked Senator Hillary Clinton for […]
June Attacks In Iraq At All Time High
June Attacks in Iraq at All-Time High Da’wa Party Protests Saudi Jihadis Reuters obtained from the US Department of Defense statistics that show there were […]