Review of Peter Schwartzstein, The Heat and the Fury: On the Frontlines of Climate Violence (London: Footnote Press, 2024). Munich, Germany (Special to Informed Comment; […]
Main Content
Gore On Bush Propaganda Us Bombs Shiite
Gore on Bush Propaganda US Bombs Shiite Sadr City It is no surprise that Al Gore is attacking Bush in his new book, of course. […]
Saturday Reading Reuters Reports Civil
Major Bridge in Kurdistan Destroyed Guerrillas Kill 4 US Troops Amiriya Clashes The US military death toll in Iraq for May was actually 127. On […]
70 Dead In Attacks Bombing In Fallujah
70 Dead in Attacks; Bombing in Fallujah; Sadrists Warn US Military on Diwaniya; US Seeks Dialogue with Sadrists 122 US troops died in Iraq in […]
On False Analogy Between Iraq And South
On the False Analogy Between Iraq and South Korea Bush is now talking about a “South Korea” model for Iraq. He likely got this nonsense […]
Iraqi Kurdistan Officials Deny Us Bases
Iraqi Kurdistan Officials Deny US Bases to be Opened in Kurdistan Region The USG Open Source Center translates the following newspaper article from Kurdish: ‘ […]
Guerrillas Ambush Kill 10 Us Gis As
Guerrillas Ambush, Kill 10 US GIs Over 100 Iraqis Killed or Found Dead Muqtada condemns Iran for Talking to US As best I can piece […]
Cole On Heroes And Culture Wars My
Cole on “Heroes” and the Culture Wars My column at this week is on the television phenomenon “Heroes”. [Spoiler alert: for anyone who hasn’t […]
First Formal Us Iran Talks Since 1980_29
First Formal US-Iran Talks since 1980 The US has dealt differently with Iran than with any other of its major enemies. Then President Ronald Reagan […]
24 Killed90 Wounded Qadiriya Shrine
24 Killed,90 wounded; Qadiriya Shrine Damaged in Blast Reuters reports that 33 bodies were found in the streets of Baghdad on Monday. Karrada took mortar […]