Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Cole On Heroes And Culture Wars My
Cole on “Heroes” and the Culture Wars My column at this week is on the television phenomenon “Heroes”. [Spoiler alert: for anyone who hasn’t […]
First Formal Us Iran Talks Since 1980_29
First Formal US-Iran Talks since 1980 The US has dealt differently with Iran than with any other of its major enemies. Then President Ronald Reagan […]
24 Killed90 Wounded Qadiriya Shrine
24 Killed,90 wounded; Qadiriya Shrine Damaged in Blast Reuters reports that 33 bodies were found in the streets of Baghdad on Monday. Karrada took mortar […]
Embassy Memo Flap And Decline Of Right
Embassy Memo Flap and the Decline of the Right Blogosphere Glenn Greenwald and Iraqslogger on that memo about food shortages at the US embassy in […]
Memorial Day 2007 Couple Of Months Ago
Memorial Day, 2007 A couple of months ago I was at Detroit Metro and two very young soldiers timidly approached me. They were changing planes […]
10 Us Gis Killed 44 Bodies In Baghdad
10 US GIs Killed 44 Bodies in Baghdad Al-Shamari Informs on Sadrists, Flees to US Iraq had another bloody Sunday yesterday, with the US military […]
8 Us Gis Killed Us Bombs Sadr City Us
8 US GIs Killed US Bombs Sadr City The US military announced the killing of 8 US GIs on Saturday. The Iraqi prime minister, Nuri […]
Logic Lesson On Iraq And Terror For
Logic Lessons on Iraq and Terror for Bush and McCain The Palm Beach Post editorial on Bush’s illogic does what newspapers are supposed to do. […]
Basra Battle Between Mahdi Army And
Basra Battle between Mahdi Army and British In apparent retaliation for the killing of their commander, Mahdi Army militiamen launched a fierce 2 and a […]