Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Trump administration began bombing Yemen last weekend, when the US Air Force launched 47 air raids on at least […]
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8 Us Gis Killed Us Bombs Sadr City Us
8 US GIs Killed US Bombs Sadr City The US military announced the killing of 8 US GIs on Saturday. The Iraqi prime minister, Nuri […]
Logic Lesson On Iraq And Terror For
Logic Lessons on Iraq and Terror for Bush and McCain The Palm Beach Post editorial on Bush’s illogic does what newspapers are supposed to do. […]
Basra Battle Between Mahdi Army And
Basra Battle between Mahdi Army and British In apparent retaliation for the killing of their commander, Mahdi Army militiamen launched a fierce 2 and a […]
6 Us Gis Killed Sunnis Reject Petroleum
6 US GIs Killed Sunnis Reject Petroleum Bill Reuters reports guerrilla violence on Friday. The killing of 6 US GIs was announced. Iraqi security forces […]
Us Public Skeptical Of Surge 72
US Public Skeptical of “Surge,” 72% Disapprove of Bush’s Handling of Iraq It isn’t amazing that 61% of Americans think the US should never have […]
Cheney Conniving At Iran War Says Bush
Cheney Conniving at Iran War Says Bush Cannot be Trusted Shorter Steve Clemons: Cheney and his staff are colluding with the Neoconservatives at the American […]
Muqtada Renews Call For Us Departure
Muqtada Renews call for US Departure Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr, the young Shiite nationalist cleric, preached openly at Kufa before about 1,000 worshippers for the first […]
Democratic Party Divided On Iraq
Democratic Party Divided on Iraq Supplemental Although everyone is syaing that September is now the potential turning point in congressional support for the Iraq War, […]
Sadr And Shiite Politics Sawt Al Iraq
Sadr and Shiite Politics Sawt al-Iraq carries a report that Muqtada al-Sadr is back in Najaf after travels in Lebanon and Iran. The US military […]