London (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – US President Donald Trump’s America First trade policy has seen the global economy enter a new era of […]
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Can Sarkozy Uphold Values Of 1789
Can Sarkozy Uphold the Values of 1789? Rightwing nationalist Nicolas Sarkozy, is the next president of France. He campaigned on an anti-immigrant platform that veered […]
8 Us Troops Killed Major Bombing At
8 US Troops Killed; Major bombing at Shiite Market killes 35; Boehner Favores Benchmarks Sunni Arab guerrillas killed nearly 100 persons in Iraq on Sunday […]
Al Zawahiri Attacks Democratic Plan In
Al-Zawahiri attacks Democratic Plan in Iraq; 75 Killed in Civil War Violence; Police/Mahdi Army Truce in Najaf Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s no. 2 leader complained in […]
3 Schools Of Islamic Resistance In Iraq
3 Schools of Islamic Resistance in Iraq The USG Open Source Center translates the remarks of a forum participant on the 3 distinct movements of […]
Neighbors Pledge To Halt Iraq Violence
Neighbors Pledge to Halt Iraq Violence Iranian FM Snubs Sec. Rice Four American GIs were announced killed on Friday. The US broke up a weapons […]
Guest Comment Iraq Prognosis Canny
Guest Comment: Iraq Prognosis A canny Vietnam veteran wrote me the below but requested that it be posted without attribution. I thought it well worth […]
Sharm El Sheikh On Iraq T
Sharm el Sheikh on Iraq T.V. The USG Open Source Center translates or summarizes comments on Iraqi television about the second day of the Sharm […]
Hillary And End Of Occupation And Of
Hillary and the End of Occupation and of the New Imperialism Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a surprise move, will introduce legislation with Sen. Robert Byrd […]
Rice Meets Syrian Envoy Warren Strobel
Rice Meets Syrian Envoy Donors Cancel $30 Bn. in Iraq Debt Warren Strobel and Miret el Naggar report on US Secretary of State Condi Rice’s […]