Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Sharm El Sheikh On Iraq T
Sharm el Sheikh on Iraq T.V. The USG Open Source Center translates or summarizes comments on Iraqi television about the second day of the Sharm […]
Hillary And End Of Occupation And Of
Hillary and the End of Occupation and of the New Imperialism Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a surprise move, will introduce legislation with Sen. Robert Byrd […]
Rice Meets Syrian Envoy Warren Strobel
Rice Meets Syrian Envoy Donors Cancel $30 Bn. in Iraq Debt Warren Strobel and Miret el Naggar report on US Secretary of State Condi Rice’s […]
Sharm El Sheikh On Iraqi T
Sharm El Sheikh on Iraqi T.V. The USG Open Source Center has translated and summarized reports on Iraqi television about the conference being held at […]
Murtha Urges Limited Funding Bombing
Murtha Urges Limited Funding Bombing Kills 10 in Shiite Sadr City Iraqi guerrillas killed 3 US troops and wounded 2 on Wednesday. Guerrilla violence killed […]
Note To Bush And Edwards On How There
Note to Bush and Edwards: On How there is not Really any al-Qaeda in Iraq I caught John Edwards on Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room Wednesday […]
Bush Vetoes Supplemental For Iraq 11
Bush Vetoes Supplemental for Iraq Rice will be Polite 11 Killed in Minibus attack Bush vetoed the supplemental appropriations bill for Iraq that Congress sent […]
Mission Accomplished 4 Years On
Mission Accomplished, 4 Years on: A Commentary in Links Remarks by President Bush announcing the end of major combat operations in Iraq Thursday evening [May […]
3000 Sadrists Protest Us Raid 32 Killed
3,000 Sadrists Protest US Raid 32 Killed in Funeral Bombing Some 3,000 Iraqis came out Monday in Baghdad to protest US military action against the […]