Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Guerrillas Kill 5 Us Troops Shiite
Guerrillas Kill 5 US Troops Shiite Reprisals in Haswa Allawi Bid for New Coalition Founders Iran is considering trying the 15 British sailors it captured […]
90 Killed In Wave Of Bombings Violence
90 Killed in Wave of Bombings, Violence Two US troops were announced killed on Saturday. AP reporter Kim Gamel details a wave of bombings and […]
Reality Based Legislation House Dems
Reality-Based Legislation: House Dems Demand end of US War in Iraq in 08 The Democrats in Congress passed a supplemental funding bill for the Iraq […]
Iraqi Vice Premier Badly Wounded In
Iraqi Vice Premier Badly Wounded in Attack Iranians Take British troops Captive A Salafi Jihadi operative infiltrated the entourage of Iraqi Vice Premier Abdul Salam […]
4 Us Gis Killed House Dems Set To Pass
4 US GIs Killed House Dems set to Pass ’08 Withdrawal Language Shiite on Shiite Violence in Basra House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to have […]
30 Killed 33 Freed In Company Sized
Truck Bombing of Kurdish HQ in Mosul Kills or Injures 45 A recent report on the readiness of Iraqi troops. says that the Iraqi military […]
Dems In Congress Seek Withdrawal Saudis
Dems in Congress seek Withdrawal Saudis intrigue against al-Maliki The Democrats are gearing up to try to pass an appropriations measure for Iraq that also […]
Bushs Top Ten Mistakes In Iraq During
Bush’s Top Ten Mistakes in Iraq during the Past 4 Years 10. Refusing to fire Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld when his incompetence and maliciousness […]
Iraqi Public Wants Us Troops Out Within
Iraqi Public Wants US Troops Out within a Year Sunni Parliamentarian Accused of Links to Bombers A poll of Iraqis commission by USA Today and […]