Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Rosen On Shiite Execution Of Saddam
Rosen on Shiite Execution of Saddam Nir Rosen at Iraqslogger has a fine analysis of the Sunni Arab reaction to the hanging of Saddam, and […]
Saddam Buried Malikis New Strategy
Saddam Buried Maliki’s New Strategy? Saddam Hussein was laid to rest in the village of al-Awjah near Tikrit, his birthplace. In Salahuddin Province there is […]
Us Press On 3000 Us Troops Killed In
US Press on 3,000 US troops Killed in Iraq Allen Breed of AP writes poignantly about , the section at Arlington cemetery that contains the […]
What Number 3000 Hides Iraqi
What the Number 3000 Hides Iraqi guerrillas killed 6 more GIs and AP put the total dead in combat at 2998. The dreadful milestone of […]
Murderers Gibbet Cole In Salon
The Murderer’s Gibbet Cole in on the Saddam Execution My article on the execution of Saddam is out in Excerpt: ‘ The body […]
For Whom Bell Tolls Top Ten Ways Us
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Top Ten Ways the US Enabled Saddam Hussein The old monster swung from the gallows this morning at 6 am […]
Riverbend Is Back Riverbend Weighs In
Riverbend is Back Riverbend weighs in on the condition of Iraq and Saddam’s impending execution. I disagree with her about Jalal Talabani (the old-time Kurdish […]
Alexandrovna Guest Op Ed Saddams
Alexandrovna Guest Op-Ed: Saddam’s Execution and the Campaign Against Iran Saddam’s Execution is about Iran Larisa Alexandrovna ‘PROLOGUE: When someone does something obviously egregious, we […]
Guerrillas Kill 5 Gis Security Alert
Guerrillas Kill 5 GIs Security Alert over Saddam Sentence Al-Aamiri killing Roils Shiite Politics The US military announced that Iraqi guerrillas killed 5 GIs on […]