Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Sudden Curfew In Baghdad Iraqi
Sudden Curfew in Baghdad The Iraqi government has imposed a curfew on Baghdad. Some reports say it is for 24 hours. This one maintains that […]
100 Dead In Iraq On Thursday Including
100 Dead in Iraq on Thursday; Including 60 Bodies found in Baghdad Reuters reports almost 40 persons killed in political violence as a result of […]
3 Gis Killed Over 80 Dead In Violence
3 GIs Killed; Over 80 Dead in Violence; Poll: Iraqis want US out Now WaPo reports on new polls in Iraq that find that a […]
Some 60 Dead In Country Wide Violence
Some 60 Dead in Country-Wide Violence Najaf Assassinations Called Personal, Not Terrorism al-Hayat reports that [Ar.] the police chief of the Shiite shrine city of […]
Partially Declassified Nie Bush Became
Partially Declassified NIE Bush became indignant on Tuesday during his news conference with Afghan President Karzai over the leaking of passages from the National Intelligence […]
Generals Iraq War Has Fueled Terrorism
Generals: Iraq War Has Fueled Terrorism; Iraqi Politicians Attack Talabani For his Call for US Bases Prominent retired US general bitterly criticized the conduct of […]
Cole On Democracy Now Streaming Video
Cole on Democracy Now Streaming video of my appearance on Amy Goodman’s “Democracy Now” today, as well as a transcript, is now available. Thanks to […]
2 Gis Killed In Fallujah Sunni
2 GIs Killed in Fallujah Sunni Fundamentalists Take Diyala Province 36 Dead in Civil War Violence Despite Bush’s media blitz and a number of speeches […]
Wallace Bin Laden Republicans And
Wallace, Bin Laden, Republicans and Clinton Here is the video of President Clinton on Fox Cable News. Wallace maintained that he also asked tough questions […]