Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Scholl Guest Editorial Response To
Scholl Guest Editorial: Response to Amis Response to Amis Steven Scholl ‘In his Sept 10 op-ed piece for The Observer, Martin Amis provides what is […]
48 Bodies Found In Baghdad Us
48 Bodies found in Baghdad US Officials Impatient with Maliki Paul Richter of the Los Angeles Times discusses the frustrations of American officials in Baghdad […]
Popes Non Apology Pope Stopped Short
The Pope’s non-Apology The Pope stopped short of an apology on Saturday. He did say he was sorry that Muslims took offense to his quotation […]
Popes Trip To Turkey In Doubt Protests
Pope’s Trip to Turkey in Doubt Protests Grow Turkish officials are becoming skittish about Pope Benedict XVI’s planned November trip to Turkey, an almost entirely […]
50 Bodies Found Baghdad Ditch Called
50 Bodies Found Baghdad Ditch called Impractical Brain injuries are the signature debility of wounded Iraq War vets. Reuters reports civil war violence in Iraq […]
Clemons On Bolton Steve Clemons At
Clemons on Bolton Steve Clemons at the Washington Note predicted two days ago that the Bolton nomination was dead, given Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee’s opposition. […]
5 Us Troops Killed 25 Injured Suicide
5 US Troops Killed, 25 Injured A suicide bomber in Baghdad killed 2 US troops and wounded 25, 3 of them seriously. 16 were hospitalized […]
Pope Gets It Wrong On Islam
Pope Gets it Wrong on Islam Pope Benedict’s speech at Regensburg University, which mentioned Islam and jihad, has provoked a firestorm of controversy. The address […]
Khamenei Calls For Us To Depart Iraq
Khamenei calls for US to Depart Iraq US Troop Levels Rise to 147,000 US troop levels in Iraq have jumped to 147,000. You have to […]