Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Tantawi Jihad Is Purely Defensive
Tantawi: Jihad is Purely Defensive Freedom of Religious Belief Intrinsic to Islam Al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar Seminary in Cairo, perhaps […]
Israel To Launch War On Syria Iran
Israel to Launch War on Syria, Iran? The Times of London details Israeli planning for a war with Syria and Iran. Richard Perle, who sold […]
Barzani Threatens Secession Sistani
Barzani Threatens Secession; Sistani Aide Assassinated; 4 GIs Killed Massoud Barzani reacted angrily to criticisms of him by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and many other […]
South Asian Pilgrims Slaughtered
South Asian Pilgrims Slaughtered; Sistani Retires from Politics Upbraids Government for lack of Security 11 Pakistani and 3 Indian Shiite pilgrims that passed through al-Anbar […]
Smearing Wilsons Washington Power
Smearing the Wilsons The Washington power elite, like sharks, smells blood in the water. The midterms may well be a political earthquake. If the Dems […]
Barzani Forbids Iraqi Flag Baker In
Barzani Forbids Iraqi Flag; Baker in Baghdad The Pentagon says that violence was up substantially this quarter over last in Iraq. There was a decline […]
Mortar Shells Kill Dozens Of Shiites
Mortar Shells Kill Dozens of Shiites in East Baghdad Iraq to take over Dhi Qar Province Reuters reports political violence throughout the country, which left […]
Google And Michigans Library Google
Google and Michigan’s Library Google books is an astonishing, epochal development. But I am tired of journalists who write about it ignoring the fact that […]
Naguib Mahfouz Rip Nobel Prize Winning
Naguib Mahfouz, RIP Nobel prize-winning Arabic novelist and short story writer Naguib Mahfouz is dead at 94. Do yourself a favor and read him. If […]