Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Beirut War Diary Rasha Saltis Beirut
Beirut War Diary Rasha Salti’s Beirut War Diary. Syria is threatening to close its borders with Lebanon if UN troops are stationed along the borders […]
Mcgreevy Beautiful Beirut Patrick
McGreevy: Beautiful Beirut Patrick McGreevy writes from Beirut: ‘ Beautiful Beirut Is a moment of crisis a time to understand a place? Or only a […]
Oil Workers Strike In Iraq Inflation
Oil Workers Strike in Iraq Inflation Rate hits 70% amid stagflation Reuters reports on civil war violence in Iraq. Among the worst incidents: ‘ *MOSUL […]
Helman Guest Editorial Peril In
Helman Guest Editorial: Peril in Lebanon Ambassador Gerald B. Helman writes: ‘ The momentum that was imparted by the Security Council’s cease fire resolution (1701) […]
Bushs Arab Dream Palace Is It
Bush’s Arab Dream Palace Is it Narcissism? Bush said again on Monday that he would keep US troops in Iraq until 2009 and argued that […]
Jonbenet Ramsey And Abeer Al Janabi
JonBenet Ramsey and Abeer al-Janabi Overseas readers who don’t watch US-based cable news may not know that there is a news blackout on the 24 […]
Sunni Shiite Conflict Takes New Turn
Sunni-Shiite Conflict takes New Turn CNN reports the civil war violence in the Baghdad-Diyala corridor. Al-Zaman/ DPA report that two members of Iraqi military intelligence […]
Mcgreevy Guest Editorial Lebanon
McGreevy Guest Editorial: Lebanon: The Transnation Patrick McGreevy writes from Beirut: ‘ Some Western leaders are profoundly disturbed that Hezbollah, a non-state entity, should have […]
Shiite Reaction To Massacre Blame On
Shiite reaction to Massacre: Blame on Sunni Mosques Sunnis Allege Reprisals on Mosques, Civilians Narratives of what happened on Sunday, when snipers targeted Shiite pilgrims […]