Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Lebanon War Environtmental Disaster So
Lebanon War an Environtmental Disaster So says Fouad Hamdan writes in the Daily Star: ‘ An environmental catastrophe unfolded on July 12 when war broke […]
Shiite Pilgrims Slaughtered Us Losing
Shiite Pilgrims Slaughtered US losing Battle of Baghdad Guerrillas on rooftops let loose barrages of machine gun fire at Shiite pilgrims on foot as the […]
Fallout Of Failed Israeli Raid Al
Fallout of Failed Israeli Raid Al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that the Israeli raid into the Biqa’ was aimed at kidnapping a prominent Hizbullah leader, or possibly […]
56 Of Americans Iraq War Not Worth It
56% of Americans: Iraq War not Worth it Lockdown Continues amid Shiite Pilgrimage and more Violence US troops found weaponry in an office affiliated with […]
Israeli Commando Raid Foiled Hizbullah
Israeli Commando Raid foiled: Hizbullah Lebanon says that the Israelis made a commando raid into the Biqa’ valley, attacking a village near Baalbak. The Lebanese […]
Tension Between Iran And Shiites In
Tension between Iran and Shiites In Iraq Iraqi Shiite Attacks on Iran Amit Paley and Saad al-Izzi at WaPo explore anti-Iranian feelings among Shiite sectarian […]
Jumblatt Blasts Syria Hizbullah Revs
Jumblatt Blasts Syria Hizbullah revs up Aid to Victims Majority in US wants Even-Handed Policy Anthony Cordesman surveys the military pros and cons of the […]
48 Killed Dozens Wounded Basra Tribal
48 Killed, Dozens Wounded Basra Tribal Leader Threatens More Violence 2 US GIs Killed Two more US GIs were announced killed in Iraq on Thursday. […]
Hizbullah Rejects Syrian Position
Hizbullah Rejects Syrian Position Lebanese Army Begins reaching South DPA/ al-Zaman report that [Ar.] in Beirut, Hizbullah declined to adopt the position of Syrian President […]