Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Basil Maghribi at the Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Energy and Infrastructure Minister Eli Cohen ordered late Sunday that […]
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Criminalizing Civilians Patrick
Criminalizing Civilians Patrick McGreevy writes from Beirut: ‘ Criminalizing Civilians In the days before the US-commanded forces unleashed the second siege of Falluja in November […]
Boston Benefit Boston Performing
Boston Benefit Boston Performing Artists for Peace Present: A Benefit Concertfor Civilian Victims of the Israeli-Lebanese Conflict Including participants from the following area organizations: (organizations […]
Al Qaeda Enters Fray Israeli
Al Qaeda enters Fray The Israeli occupation of Jerusalem has long been an al Qaeda bugbear. It sent Richard Reid to case El Al, israeli […]
9 Israeli Troops Killed Israel Bombs
9 Israeli Troops Killed Israel Bombs Lebanese Army The Israelis launched a new wave of bombing attacks on Thursday morning: ‘ Israeli military aircraft bombed […]
Al Zaman Shiite Clashes With British
Al-Zaman: Shiite Clashes with British in South As Security Deteriorates Grand Ayatollah al-Najafi calls for withdrawal of foreign troops Al-Zaman reports that the security situation […]
Israelis Kill Un Peacekeepers Halutz
Israelis Kill UN Peacekeepers Halutz Commits to War Crimes Israeli Airstrikes Kill Nabatiyeh Family $150 Million Damage to Factories Update: Hizbullah fighters defending Bint Jbeil […]
Congress Expects Islamic Dawa To
Congress Expects Islamic Dawa to Support Israel, Condemn Hizbullah Dawa’s Unsavory Past The AIPAC Democrats in Congress came after Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki on Tuesday, […]
Maliki And Bush Pledge Troops To
Maliki and Bush Pledge Troops to Baghdad 32 Dead in Scattered Violence In a tense and awkward news conference on Tuesday, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki […]
Hizbullah Pledges Deeper Attacks
Hizbullah Pledges Deeper Attacks Strikes Haifa, Galilee Kills Arab Girl Hasan Nasrallah, the Hizbullah leader, threatened Tuesday to fire rockets beyond Haifa, implictly threatening Tel […]