Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Bombings In Basra Hibhib Kill At Least
Bombings in Basra, Hibhib kill at least 20 Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number 2 man in al-Qaeda, released a video Friday in which he pledged that […]
Cair Miami Cult Not Muslims I Just Saw
CAIR: Miami Cult not Muslims I just saw the spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations on CNN saying that the Miami cult members […]
Senate Rejects Withdrawal Bombings In
Senate rejects Withdrawal Bombings in Basra, Baghdad, Diyala 25 Executed at Mosul 53% of Americans want a timetable for a phased withdrawal of troops from […]
Press Access To Internet Being
Press Access to Internet being Censored Journalists at the Los Angeles Times and elsewhere are suffering a loss of internet access as a result of […]
Western Soldiers Writing From Iraq
Western Soldiers writing from Iraq, Then and Now War Post shares letters of soldiers in Iraq back home, from two historical periods. Some letters are […]
Michigan Peaceworks Event On Sunday
Michigan Peaceworks event on Sunday The internet isn’t very good for narrow-casting, but for my Michigan readers let me draw attention to the following important […]
Shiite Workers Abducted 4 Marines
Shiite Workers Abducted 4 Marines Killed The US military announced that guerrillas killed four US Marines in al-Anbar Province. Some reports said that guerrillas abducted […]
For Outgoing Senator Santorum Top Ten
For Outgoing Senator Santorum: Top Ten Ways We Know Saddam Did not Have WMD “There are many Senators whom I hold in a certain respect […]
Kirkuk Governor Not Cent From Baghdad
Kirkuk Governor: Not a Cent from Baghdad! The USG Open Source Center translates an interview with the governor of oil-rich, ethnically turbulent Kirkuk city.