Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Bombings In Basra Baghdad Us Airstrike
Bombings in Basra, Baghdad US Airstrike Kills 13 at Baqubah A suicide bomber targeted pensioners standing in line in Basra, killing 1 and wounding 5. […]
Rosser Guest Op Ed Innocent Kurdish
Rosser Guest Op-Ed: Innocent Kurdish-Americans Victimized by Patriot Act A Travesty of Justice: Oppressing the Kurds of Harrisonburg, Virginia J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. On June […]
Iraq Intel Chief Decries Partisanship
Iraq Intel Chief Decries Partisanship From the USG Open Source Center, a translation of an interview with Iraq’s intelligence head: ‘ Iraqi Intelligence Chief Al-Shahwani […]
Open Source Cole With Wright Here Is
Open Source: Cole with Wright Here is the transcript of my appearance Monday evening with Lawrence Wright of the New Yorker on Chris Lydon’s PRI […]
Dems Back Phased Withdrawal
Dems Back Phased Withdrawal Republicans: Stay and Stay, Spend and Spend Senate Democrats have come up with two resolutions, with most of the coalescing around […]
26 Dead In Civil War 3000 Demonstrate
26 Dead in Civil War 3,000 Demonstrate in Karbala Japan has announced that it will withdraw its 600 troops from Iraq over the next few […]
Friday Prayer Sermons In Iraq Usg Open
Friday Prayer Sermons in Iraq The USG Open Source Center translates Iraqi television’s roundup of Friday sermons on 16 June. “Iraqi Television: Roundup of Friday […]
Us Embassy Document Kind Reader Typed
US Embassy Document A kind reader typed up and corrected some typos in the US Embassy document [pdf] published by the Washington Post on Sunday. […]
Bushs Abuse Of History Snows Battle Of
Bush’s Abuse of History Snow’s Battle of Bilge The president of the United States is in some ways the nation’s leading public historian. More people […]