Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Basil Maghribi at the Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Energy and Infrastructure Minister Eli Cohen ordered late Sunday that […]
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Civil War Violence Leaves 60 Dead Over
Civil War Violence Leaves 60 Dead over 100 Wounded 130,000 Displaced in Past 4 Months Bombings and other civil war violence took the lives of […]
Iraqi Petroleum Exports Up 25 Killed
Iraqi Petroleum Exports up 25 killed in Civil War Violence Borzou Daragahi of the LA Times reports severe doubts about PM Maliki’s reconciliation plan in […]
23 Killed In Renewed
23 Killed in Renewed ViolenceReconciliation Plan to be Unveiled US troops had briefly arrested, then released, Shaikh Jamal Abdul Karim al-Dabaan. He is the chief […]
Militias Oppressing Iraqi Women Usg
Militias Oppressing Iraqi Women The USG Open Source Center translates an article about the oppression of women in the new Iraq. Woman’s Rights Observatory on […]
Bombings In Basra Hibhib Kill At Least
Bombings in Basra, Hibhib kill at least 20 Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number 2 man in al-Qaeda, released a video Friday in which he pledged that […]
Cair Miami Cult Not Muslims I Just Saw
CAIR: Miami Cult not Muslims I just saw the spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations on CNN saying that the Miami cult members […]
Senate Rejects Withdrawal Bombings In
Senate rejects Withdrawal Bombings in Basra, Baghdad, Diyala 25 Executed at Mosul 53% of Americans want a timetable for a phased withdrawal of troops from […]
Press Access To Internet Being
Press Access to Internet being Censored Journalists at the Los Angeles Times and elsewhere are suffering a loss of internet access as a result of […]
Western Soldiers Writing From Iraq
Western Soldiers writing from Iraq, Then and Now War Post shares letters of soldiers in Iraq back home, from two historical periods. Some letters are […]