Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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42 Iraqis 3 Gis Dead In Civil War
42 Iraqis, 3 GIS Dead in Civil War The Iraqi Civil War took the lives of another 42 persons on Tuesday. The most horrible attack […]
George W
George W. Nixon George W. Bush’s Iraq misadventure has made him among the least-liked presidents in modern history, according to an ABC News/ Washington Post […]
Middle East Conflicts On Campus Scott
Middle East Conflicts on Campus Scott Jaschik discussed the disputes on college campuses, especially UC-Irvine, over the Middle East. Yours truly makes a cameo appearance, […]
Nation Soccer And Punishing Iran
The Nation: Soccer and Punishing Iran The Nation looks at the global politics of soccer with reference to Iran. Americans don’t realize it, but soccer […]
33 Dead In Civil War 7 Us Troops
33 Dead in Civil War 7 US Troops Killed over Weekend Basra in Chaos as Tribes Feud On Monday, scattered bombings and shootings left at […]
Monday Afternoon Scandals David
Monday Afternoon Scandals David Swanson says that angry veterans surrounded and berated Richard Perle, a major architect of the Iraq War, when he showed up […]
Guerrilla Violence Kills 48 Al Maliki
Guerrilla Violence Kills 48Al-Maliki May announce Government without Interior, Defence On Monday morning, guerrillas in the south launched a mortar barrage of 40 shells against […]
Iranian Paramilitaries Pledge To
Iranian Paramilitaries Pledge to Defend Iran Since the US military has most trouble with asymmetrical forces and paramilitaries, it is worthwhile noting that Iran’s paramilitary […]
Lying And Ordering Others To Lie Bush
Lying and Ordering others to Lie Bush not only continued to lie about mobile biological weapons labs in Iraq even after weapons inspectors discovered that […]