Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Basra Explodes In Shiite Rage
Basra Explodes in Shiite Rage Unidentified guerrillas shot down a British Lynx helicopter in Basra on Saturday, killing 5 UK servicemen. The helicopter fell on […]
10 Troops Killed In Afghanistan Crash
10 Troops Killed in Afghanistan Crash An American helicopter crashed on Saturday in Afghanistan, killing 10.
Guerrillas Kill 3 Gis 15 Iraqis Dead
Guerrillas Kill 3 GIs 15 Iraqis Dead in Violence Muqtada Emerging as Kingmaker Guerrillas killed 3 GIs in Babil province south of Baghdad on Friday. […]
Hekmatyar Goes Al Qaeda Kabul Bomb
Hekmatyar goes Al-Qaeda Kabul Bomb Kills Italians Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the radical Islamist guerrilla fighter, has pledged his allegiance to Usamah Bin Laden. Back in the […]
Hitchens Affair Little Satire On
Hitchens Affair A little satire on the Hitchens affair. and . . . Sadly no!
Coleweisberg Correspondence On
Cole/Weisberg Correspondence on Hitchens With Mr. Weisberg’s permission, I am posting our correspondence on the Hitchens hatchet job on me in Slate earlier this week. […]
28 Dead Over 50 Wounded In Bombings
28 Dead, over 50 Wounded in Bombings, Assassinations Shiites Keep Interior? At least 28 persons were killed in the Iraqi civil war on Thursday. Another […]
Rumsfeld It Depends On What Meaning Of
Rumsfeld: It Depends on what the Meaning of “Where” Is Back in the Sixties it would be some activist college student who confronted the Secretary […]
Hitchens No Journalist Insider Person
Hitchens “No Journalist”: Insider A person of long and wide experience with journalism and politics writes an interesting analysis of the Hitchens affair: ‘Hitchens has […]