In early 2023, the most far-right cabinet in Israel’s history launched its war for “judicial reforms” to replace democracy with autocracy. In fall 2023, it […]
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Hunting Accidents Oooops
Hunting Accidents Oooops.
Jaafari Wins On Basis Of Dawa Sadrist
Jaafari Wins on Basis of Dawa, Sadrist Vote Some Question Stability of United Iraqi Alliance in Aftermath Al-Zaman/AFP reports that the internal vote of the […]
Jaafari Prime Minister 2006 2010 But
Jaafari Prime Minister 2006-2010 But is not Allowed on US Television Breaking news: The United Iraqi Alliance, a coalition of Shiite fundamentalist parties, has chosen […]
Bombings Assassinations Continue As
Bombings, Assassinations Continue As Political Process Stalls A bomb rigged to a motorcycle exploded outside a restaurant in Baghdad on Sunday morning, wounding at least […]
18 Dead 60 Wounded In Bombings Sunni
18 Dead, 60 Wounded in bombings Sunni Mosque Targeted Al-Zaman/ AFP reports that on Friday guerrilla violence left 18 Iraqis dead and 60 wounded. The […]
Cheney Authorized Libby To Disclose Classified Documents
Cheney Authorized Libby to Disclose Classified Documents Once upon a time, a former agent of Italian military intelligence named Rocco Martino, who had had some […]
Cole On Danish Caricatures In Salon_09
Cole on Danish Caricatures in My article on cartoongate is out over at Excerpt: ‘ After the cartoons were published on Sept. 30, […]
Everything West And Middle East Need
Everything the West and the Middle East Need Could have been Learned in Kindergarten 1. Don’t make fun of people for things they were born […]
Condaleeza Rice Is Liar Blames Syria
Condaleeza Rice is a Liar Blames Syria, Iran for Inciting Violence over Caricatures of Prophet Secretary of State Condi Rice on Wednesday blamed Iran and […]