Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; feature) – The title of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land, reflects the sad reality that these people have […]
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Kurdish Shiite Parties May Lack 23s
Kurdish, Shiite Parties may lack 2/3s Iraq War may Cost over $1 Trillion Revised. A Western diplomat with knowledge of the unofficial voting returns in […]
Shiite Crowds Protest Bombings Us
Shiite Crowds Protest Bombings, US Support for Sunni Arabs; 11 GIs Killed The US military announced that Thursday was the bloodiest day for US troops […]
Bremer Bush Administration Never Saw
Bremer: Bush Administration Never saw Iraq Insurgency Coming Paul Bremer, who ruled Iraq for a year after the fall of Saddam, was asked about his […]
130 Killed Over 200 Wounded In Two
130 Killed, Over 200 Wounded in Two Huge Bombings, Other Attacks Al-Hakim Blames Coalition for Holding Shiite Commandos Back Al-Hayat [Ar.]: Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader […]
Guest Editorial End Of Sharon Era End
Guest Editorial: The end of the Sharon Era The end of the Sharon Era, Time for a New Beginning? by Mark LeVineProfessor of Modern Middle […]
Massive Campaign Of Violence Kills 68
Massive Campaign of Violence Kills 68, Wounds Dozens; Bush Says Guerrillas Marginalized A horrific day unfolded in Iraq on Wednesday, with a massive bomb at […]
On Removing Pro Baath Books From
On Removing pro-Baath Books from the Libraries in Iraq At the news on Wednesday that the Debaathification committee in Iraq will remove from university libraries […]
Abramoff And Al Arian Lobbyists
Abramoff and al-Arian: Lobbyist’s “Charity” a Front for Terrorism The guilty plea of fabulously wealthy and highly corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff raised the question of […]
Human Rights Violations In Iraq Or
Human Rights Violations in Iraq Or, the Clay Feet of the Model Iraq The Model I: The US military observed guerrillas in Beiji planting a […]