Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – The efforts to discredit and suppress the film No Other Land are part and parcel of a […]
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Sharon As Jailer Cole At Salon
Sharon as Jailer: Cole at Salon.com My article on Ariel Sharon’s “gated community” approach to Israeli-Palestinian relations is out at Salon.com. Excerpt: “Even as Israeli […]
British General Blasts Us Military On
British General Blasts US Military on Iraq Counter-Insurgency Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster has a trenchant critique of the US military’s failures at counter-insurgency and doing ordinary […]
Al Hakim Warns Sunni Arabs On Changes
Al-Hakim warns Sunni Arabs on Changes to Constitution Shiite clerical leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim on Wednesday warned Sunni Arabs not to attempt to make substantive […]
Guest Blogger Sheridan On Dubai
Guest Blogger: Sheridan on Dubai Between Oil and Consumerism Irish blogger Gavin Sheridan was moved by the recent death of Dubai emir Sheikh Maktoum to […]
20 Arrested In Spain Spanish Police
20 Arrested in Spain Spanish police broke up three recruiting cells for Iraq volunteer fighters in Spain, arresting 20 persons. The cells had connections to […]
Great Justices Installed By Bush As
Great Justices Installed by Bush As the Alito confirmation hearings begin, it is worth considering some of the judicial consquences of George W. Bush’s various […]
29 Dead 25 Wounded In Interior
29 Dead, 25 Wounded in Interior Ministry Bombing Two guerrillas with suicide bomb belts attacked the Ministry of the Interior in Baghdad on Monday during […]
Guerrillas Who Came In From Cold Al
The Guerrillas who Came in from the Cold Al-Hayat [Ar.]: Sources close to the guerrilla groups in Iraq told the pan-Arab, Saudi-backed London daily, al-Hayat […]
17 Us Troops Killed In Iraq Baghdad
17 US Troops Killed in Iraq: Baghdad Fuel Blockade and Possibility of “All Out Civil War;” US Troops Storm Sunni Mosque A US military Blackhawk […]