Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ironically, White Christian nationalism has captured the U.S. government despite its steep decline in popularity among the public. The Pew […]
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Iraqi Guerrillas Made Key Demands Of
Iraqi Guerrillas Made Key Demands of CIA at Cairo Conference Al-Hayat says that [Arabic URL] informed sources maintained to it that the intelligence services of […]
Ministry Of Interior Moles Busted Wave
Ministry of Interior Moles Busted Wave of Kidnappings, Killings in Mosul, Tikrit Al-Zaman: American forces killed Shaikh Abdullah al-Ani, the preacher at the mosque in […]
Britain Israel Breaking Law Spreading
Britain: Israel Breaking Law, Spreading Terrorism by Jerusalem Policies The British government presented a secret report to the European Union in which it accused Israel […]
Cruel Thanksgiving In Iraq Over 50
Cruel Thanksgiving in Iraq Over 50 Dead Over 50 Iraqis were killed and 47 wounded in separate attacks on Thursday. In Mahmudiyah just south of […]
White Phosphorus Round Up George
White Phosphorus Round-up George Monbiot of the Guardian weighs in on the current state of the debate on the US military’s use of white phosphorus […]
Dulaim Chiefs Murder Splits Iraqis
Dulaim Chief’s Murder Splits Iraqis Guerrillas detonated another bomb in Baghdad on Tuesday, killing 2 and wounding another 2. The murder of Khadim Sarhid al-Hamaiyim, […]
Bush As Press Assassin Baathist In
Bush as Press Assassin? Baathist in a Mirror The Mirror broke the story on Tuesday that a secret British memo demonstrates that George W. Bush […]
Massacre In Kirkuk Bush Suppressed Cia
Massacre in Kirkuk Bush Suppressed CIA Report exonerating Saddam of al-Qaeda Ties On Wednesday morning, a shaikh of the Dulaim tribe and 3 sons and […]
Iraqis Ask For Withdrawal Timetable Ap
Iraqis ask for Withdrawal Timetable AP reports on the results of the Cairo national reconciliation conference, attended by the major Iraqi political factions, including Sunni […]